The Shati Rinda Campaign – Our Corporate Social Responsibility

Shati Rinda Campaign Kenya

The Shati Rinda Campaign

In the heart of Kenya, where dreams of education sparkle in the eyes of young minds, there exists a silent struggle that often goes unnoticed — the plight of school-going children who lack access to proper school uniforms and sanitary pads. For many families, the financial burden of these essentials becomes a barrier, hindering children from fully embracing their educational journey.

The Uniform Dilemma:

Across the country, numerous children attend school without the dignity of a proper uniform. The lack of uniforms not only impacts a child’s self-esteem but can also contribute to social exclusion and stigmatization. In a nation where education is deemed a pathway to a brighter future, the absence of a simple school uniform becomes a symbolic hurdle.

Menstrual Hygiene Challenges:

In tandem with the uniform struggle is the pressing issue of menstrual hygiene. Many girls face the daunting reality of attending school without access to sanitary pads. The consequences are far-reaching — absenteeism, compromised health, and shattered confidence. The absence of proper menstrual hygiene facilities in schools exacerbates the challenges faced by young girls.

In the year 2015, the United Nations (UN) adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

The 17 SDGs are integrated—they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability.
This agenda acts as a point of reference for all national development strategies and plans in both developing and developed Countries.

At the core of the Agenda are the three dimensions of sustainable development namely; Social, economic and environmental and recognize their inter-linkages in achieving sustainable development.

In the face of these challenges, Thirsty Shona Textiles emerges as a beacon of hope. As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, we launched the Shati Rinda Campaign, a transformative program aimed at making a tangible difference in the lives of these school-going children.

Uniforms with Dignity:

The Shati Rinda Campaign addresses the uniform dilemma by providing high-quality school uniforms to children in need. Thirsty Shona Textiles collaborates with local schools and communities to identify beneficiaries, ensuring that each uniform is tailored to fit the unique needs of the recipient.

Breaking the Silence on Menstrual Hygiene:

Understanding the importance of menstrual hygiene, the campaign extends its impact by distributing reusable sanitary pads to girls in schools. Thirsty Shona Textiles not only provides the necessary sanitary products but also initiates awareness programs to educate both girls and boys about menstrual health, breaking the silence surrounding this natural aspect of life.

Community Empowerment:

Beyond uniforms and sanitary pads, the Shati Rinda Campaign focuses on community empowerment. Thirsty Shona Textiles engages in sustainable projects that uplift communities, including skills development programs, health and hygiene workshops, and infrastructure improvements in schools.

As of June 2022, we had already tailored over 200 school uniforms and distributed to 5 pre-identified schools in Kenya. Our focus is mostly in the rural, arid and semiarid lands, where poverty is most severe, and the level of education is also low.

THE SHATI RINDA CAMPAIGN focuses on achievement of the following 3 goals out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals:

As we continue to do more, we call upon you to join us in this endeavor. Your contribution to this process is one small step for a child, one giant leap for humanity.
Thank you.


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